
Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Golden Templates

Hello, Dear One!

We, The Ancients, are here with You NOW.  You radiate Us, and We radiate You.

As the Divine Father and the Divine Mother Frequencies, and the Cosmic Masculine and the Comic Feminine frequencies, are flowing through ALL Life in this moment of NOW, a new Foundation is Being created within The Temple of Maya and Her Children, The Temple of Nature and The Temple of Humanity. From this new Foundation will spring forth a new Partnership for the Cosmic Masculine and the Cosmic Feminine.

While the Cosmic Masculine and the Cosmic Feminine are ALL-WAYS in Sacred Union, when Their frequency of Sacred Union is stepped down energetically to manifest within The Temple of Maya, The Temple of Nature and The Temple of Humanity, the nature of Their Sacred Union is made manifest as Sacred Partners, Sacred Lovers and Sacred Parents.  This phenomenon is very much like the identification of the Head (Cosmic Masculine) and the Tail (Cosmic Feminine) of a coin.

The energies of The Templates for Sacred Partnership, Sacred Lovers and Sacred Parents will emerge from the new Foundations within The Temple of Maya, The Temple of Nature and The Temple of Humanity at the level of frequencies that have never before been available to The Temple of Maya and Her Children.  Those Beings within The Temple of Humanity who have Ascended into The Temple of LOVE, along with The Temple of Maya and The Temple of Nature, will be the first to come into Balance and Harmony with these escalated and expansive frequencies of Sacred Partnership, Sacred Lovers and Sacred Parents.  

From these emerging Golden Templates, ALL Relationships for The Beings of The Temple of LOVE ~ with(in) Self, The Temple of Humanity, The Temple of Nature, The Temple of Maya, ALL Life, SELF and LIFE ~ will instantaneously transcend Their current lower octave to be in resonance with the frequencies of The Golden Templates.  The rushing forth of LOVE, JOY, SERENITY and COMPASSION will potentially feel like a tsunami wave of energy flowing through the physical bodies of The Beings of The Temple of LOVE.  ALLOW Yourself to be swept away and into this Ecstasy.  PLEASE, Be Mindful, as crushing as it may feel, to receive with ease and grace.

Divine Mother will be supporting You and protecting You.  You will emerge as a Pearl.  The frequency of the Pearl that You emerge as from the sands (Cosmic Masculine) and the waves (Cosmic Feminine) will be UNIQUE unto You ~ a frequency that will vibrate at a color that has never before been made manifest.  It will be Your signature frequency/color, just as the Dolphins have signature clicks and whistles for Their identification ("names").  ALL those Beings in The Temple of LOVE, as well as within The Temple of Nature and The Temple of Maya, will immediately recognize You as ALL Life will contain the Holograph of The Temple of LOVE's Pearl.  As other Beings within The Temple of Humanity ASCEND into The Temple of LOVE, the Holograph of The Temple of LOVE's Pearl will be planted within Them.

Go, NOW, in great anticipation of this GIFT that will be bestowed upon You from the Divine Father and the Divine Mother as a result of Their frequencies flowing through ALL Life at this moment of NOW.  As You receive Your GIFT, Your Relationships with the Divine Father and the Divine Mother will be made WHOLE.  No more ~ and never again ~ will You feel the pain of separation from Your Divine Parents.  This is a testament of Their Love for LIFE ~ for You.

Again, go NOW, in great anticipation of the emergence of The Golden Temples.  Like a child who plays on the beach ~ frolicking through the tide pools, building sandcastles ~ immerse Yourself in The Golden Templates of Sacred Partnership, Sacred Lovers, Sacred Parents, and rediscover Your SELF from this new Foundation.

We radiate You, Dear One, and You radiate Us!

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™

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