
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Grounding your Chakra System

Here is a brief excerpt from my previous post that is relevant to the grounding process of the Chakra System that I was guided to do in meditation:

Many of us are already aware from the Abraham-Hicks material and other public/mainstream teachers that to be able to attract something into our external landscape we must be holding its frequency within our internal landscape.  I had been clearly shown through my meditations that the frequencies of our internal landscape are directly dependent upon our personal chakra system. Through my meditation practice, I had been clearing, strengthening and expanding my chakra centers.  At a certain point in my chakras' expansion, I had been guided to assign one word to each chakra that resonates with its frequency.  Later, at another point in my chakras' expansion, I was guided to identify a Goddess for each chakra that embodies the chakra's frequency. 

First, here is a picture of the basic Chakra System that most people work with:

I work with this system as taught by Alberto Villoldo that includes an 8th and a 9th chakra:

The first chakra is the Root Chakra, and the chakra's are numbered incrementally as we move up the Sushumna.  The Sushumna is a central channel through which the Kundalini (Shakti) energy flows.

Here is a list of the seed words that I use for each Chakra:

  • Root ~ Support
  • Sacral (Splenic) ~ Security
  • Solar Plexus ~ Courage
  • Heart ~ Love
  • Throat ~ Compassion
  • Third Eye ~ Vision
  • Crown ~ Wisdom
  • Wiracocha ~  Priestess (Shamaness)
  • Upper-Wiracocha ~ I AM

(Please note that my seed words are NOT seed [bija] mantras which are single syllable SOUNDS for each Chakra.)

Because of my personal affinity towards the Hindu Goddesses, I was guided to choose from amongst them, a Goddess that embodies (again, this is for me) the energy of the seed word.  The Goddesses each have a consort:

Root ~ Support:

Shiva and Parvati

Sacral ~ Security:

Vishnu and Lakshmi

Solar Plexus ~ Courage:


Heart ~ Love:

Krishna and Radhe

Throat ~ Compassion:

Sita and Rama

Third Eye ~ Vision:


Crown ~ Wisdom:

Brahma and Saraswati

Wiracocha ~ Priestess:


Upper-Wiracocha ~ I AM:

Shiva Shakti

When I go into meditation, after stretching, relaxing and dropping in, I create sacred space.  (Alberto Villoldo has written books that describe creating sacred space and working with your chakras.)  Then, I imagine a white light coming from the Upper-Wiracocha all the way down through each of my chakras via the Sushumna into a milky-white pool of water ("leche de la madre") in the center of the Earth.  After flushing and energizing my chakras, I begin at the Root Chakra by stating out loud the seed word (SUPPORT) and envisioning the Goddess (Parvati).  As I stay with the frequency of the seed word and the embodied energy of the Goddess, I actually feel my chakra expanding and strengthening.  I trust and know that everything this relates to that chakra is being attracted to me because I have grounded those frequencies within my internal landscape.  Therefore, they must show up in my external landscape.  For the root chakra, these things can include trust, survival, boundaries, family, grounding and safety.  I personally consider safety different than security.  For me, security is related more to sexuality and finances.  I continue this process moving up to each chakra, speaking out (power of the spoken word) and imaging (imagine = I am a genie).  By the time, I reach the Upper-Wiracoch, the white light that has pouring down on me has been transmuted into gold light.  It is The Golden Ray of Sacred Union.

However, you choose to work with your own chakra system, I encourage you to do so daily. Meditation is the only way "in," and it is by going in that we are able to expand out.

Blessings, Beloveds!

Om Namah Shivaya!!

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™

Sacred Marriage

I had no idea when I wrote these words the day before this initiatory event that they would manifest so quickly...
Thus, I realized that for me this feeling was reminding me of the grief of "separation" from Self/Divine and my mission of embodying Sacred Union. On the mundane level, I realized that the deep desire for Sacred Partnership on the human level is still very much alive within my Core, and the grief of past loves lost was being let go. I am in full expectation that all of my conscious letting go is creating the sacred space required for the Seed that the Cosmic Lovers are planting within me to realize both the embodiment of Sacred Union (Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine) and Sacred Partnership in my personal life. Whomever you are, Beloved, I am in full expectation of your arrival! Welcome home to my loving arms. I look forward to embracing You with my whole heart. 
As I mentioned in my last post, I went into meditation before going out to the beach for my Priestess Circle ceremony to connect with the Field my Priestess Sisters and I had been creating for the sacred ceremony.  The OM Labyrinth we were to build on the beach would be the foundation for our sacred ceremony to honor our maternal lineages.

I know in my Heart that all of the perfect elements for me had come into alignment to manifest the Sacred Marriage within me.  First, the Cosmic Lovers (Mars/Sacred Masculine and Venus/Sacred Feminine) were in an exact conjunction at 2° Aries.  Aries is the sign of Initiation, and certainly, Sacred Marriage is an Initiation.  Secondly, the Field to honor my maternal lineage had been built. By honoring my maternal lineage through forgiveness and gratitude, the Sacred Feminine within me had been given "permission" to step forward.  I call this the Sacred Feminine Renaissance (rebirth - like the Phoenix rising from the ashes).  My personal Sacred Feminine's renaissance was also being supported by the Cosmic Lovers' conjunction being in trine to my natal Venus (Sacred Feminine). Finally, through my personal meditation practice, I had been prepared for this Initiation.

Many of us are already aware from the Abraham-Hicks material and other public/mainstream teachers that to be able to attract something into our external landscape we must be holding its frequency within our internal landscape.  I had been clearly shown through my meditations that the frequencies of our internal landscape are directly dependent upon our personal chakra system. Through my meditation practice, I had been clearing, strengthening and expanding my chakra centers.  At a certain point in my chakras' expansion, I had been guided to assign one word to each chakra that resonates with its frequency.  Later, at another point in my chakras' expansion, I was guided to identify a Goddess for each chakra that embodies the chakra's frequency.  Thus, I had been grounding the frequencies of my chakras within my meditations for at least a month.  (I will provide these details in my next post.)  The culmination of my chakra system's energetic grounding was being supported by the apex point between the Cosmic Lovers' conjunction being in opposition to my natal Vesta (The Temple Priestess/Virgin).
In the system of goddess symbols, she represents the principle of spiritual focus and of devotion to following one’s calling... Vesta corresponds to the Self...Vesta uses the fertile sexual energy to deepen a relationship with the Self or with the Divine." (
And, the apex of the Aries/Libra axis of relationship with self and others is Sacred Marriage.

I have consciously chosen to take the time to share the details of these personal elements that aligned for me to step into Sacred Marriage because I feel it is important to demonstrate that, on the conscious level, I had NO expectation of this Initiation at this time.  Yes, indeed, I had always been aware of my Soul's desire for Sacred Marriage, as I had written the day before this initiatory event...
... my mission of embodying Sacred Union ...
I also feel it is important to emphasize that Sacred Marriage was MY Soul's yearning.   It may or may not be YOUR Soul's yearning.  This is a critical point to understand because it is important that we do not judge ourselves or set up expectations for ourselves based on the experiences of others.  I believe what one person manifests benefits the rest of humanity.  Thus, I encourage you to honor your own Soul's yearnings, so that Humanity will benefit from its manifestation.  I remind you to trust and know that your Soul has already determined the perfect timing and alignment of elements that will support Its manifestation.

Returning now to my Sacred Marriage Initiation...

Having chosen to allow myself to go into meditation, having created sacred space (as I always do), having grounded and expanded my chakra centers (through the manner that will be shared in my next post), I consciously chose to invite That Who has No Name to allow me...

  • to feel "His" Presence...
  • to feel "His" Support...
  • to feel "His" Love...
  • to feel "His" Embrace...
As I sat in The Silence, I immediately became aware of "His" Presence.  As I basked in the Presence of "His" LOVE, I became aware that "I" ~ my Presence ~ had merged within the Presence of That Who has No Name.  I realized, I and That Who has No Name are ONE.  This was the moment of Sacred Marriage ~ Sacred Union.  "I" was no longer confined by my physical body.  Our Presence had expanded beyond my physical body.  "I" was no longer aware of my physical body.  "I" was only aware of the Presence of LOVE, and "I" knew that We as ONE are that LOVE.  "I" knew...   I AM THAT.

I love to witness the choreography of That Who has No Name.  When I arrived at the beach to start building the OM Labyrinth, the location where I always hold sacred ceremony was overrun by a dozen or so young men, high school or college age.  I gracefully set up residence in the center of them without a word, and began to build.  After I had built the Heart and the next three circles, my Priestess Sisters began to arrive.  As we continued to build and complete the labyrinth, the young men began to approach us.  They were very curious about what we were doing, why we were doing it, and even wanted to participate.  Several of my Sisters commented on their surprise about, not only the presence of these young men, but also their interest in us. I told my Sisters they would understand later after I told them what had happened to me during my meditation that morning.

The presence of these young me and their genuine interest in what we were doing was the direct physical manifestation from the Field we had built of my Sacred Marriage Initiation.  Because I now held the energy of Sacred Union of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, for every Priestess Sister that arrived for sacred ceremony, there was a young man physically present to witness.

We are in the times of instant manifestation, Beloveds.  I encourage you to become vigilant in utilizing conscious language and grounding the energies within you for that which you desire to witness in your external landscape ~ your own personal reality ~ your own world.

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™

Om Namah Shivaya!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Prelude to a Kiss

The exact Venus / Mars conjunction of the Cosmic Lovers occurred yesterday on  February 22, 2015. (I love the numbers 2/22 and the conjunction took place at 2° of Aries!)  Here is the prelude to what occurred for me as a result of Their Union which I will share with you in my next post....

Facebook Post of February 21, 2015:

This is a particularly potent time for each of us on the personal level as Mars and Venus are considered "personal" planets. Last night, 2/20/15, at approximately 8:30pm EST, I felt an energetic piercing of my Heart. It became so intense and I became so overcome by grief that my mind prompted me to check in with all of my immediate family members to see if everyone was "ok." The last time I had felt something like that I was notified the next day that my father had been killed. It turns out that it happened as I was having that feeling, so my mind was "protecting" me by pushing me to check in.

Once I knew everyone was fine, I was guided to look at my Self. What was going on in the heavens that was so personally impacting me. Well, here we go....I was already feeling the impact of this Venus/Mars conjunction. As Star Sister mentions here on February 20th, "...the two most fabled lovers in the Cosmos -- are moving together through the first degree of the zodiac's first sign. Their sacred union won't occur here. It's still 24 hours away. At 12:13 a.m. Sunday morning in the U.S. Eastern Time zone, the cosmic lovers will merge their vibrations in the second degree of Aries."  When I look at my natal and progressed charts, I find that these Cosmic Lovers are triggering my natal Vesta (opposition) and natal Venus (trine).

Vesta is particularly interesting to me at this time. "In mythology, Vesta is Zeus's elder sister who never married (hmmmm, sounding too close to home! LOL). She became the protectress of the hearth and the sacred altar flame. The archetypal Temple Priestess, she is a virgin in the original sense of being whole and complete in oneself. In the system of goddess symbols, she represents the principle of spiritual focus and of devotion to following one’s calling... Vesta corresponds to the Self...Vesta uses the fertile sexual energy to deepen a relationship with the Self or with the Divine." (

My Vesta is at the critical degree (29) of Virgo (the sign of the Goddess) and is sextile my Venus at 1°57' (nearly 2°) of Sagittarius. Thus, I realized that for me this feeling was reminding me of the grief of "separation" from Self/Divine and my mission of embodying Sacred Union. On the mundane level, I realized that the deep desire for Sacred Partnership on the human level is still very much alive within my Core, and the grief of past loves lost was being let go. I am in full expectation that all of my conscious letting go is creating the sacred space required for the Seed that the Cosmic Lovers are planting within me to realize both the embodiment of Sacred Union (Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine) and Sacred Partnership in my personal life. Whomever you are, Beloved, I am in full expectation of your arrival! Welcome 
home to my loving arms. I look forward to embracing You with my whole heart. heart emoticon

The very next day, Sunday the 22nd, I was meeting with my Priestess Sisters to perform a sacred ceremony on the beach in honor of our maternal lineage.  Prior to heading to the beach, I went into meditation to integrate with the Field that we had been creating for our Labyrinth Ceremony.  THIS is when something amazing happened for me that will be shared in the next post.

Here is my Facebook post from before my meditation:

In honor of my maternal lineage and all the gratitude I hold in my heart emoticon for the gifts I have received from these incredibly strong women who stand behind me and on whose shoulders I stand....

I AM Linda Eileen Tucker-Taft (Kalika) daughter of

Linda Lucille Catalona daughter of

Lucille Evelyn Glanzer daughter of

Maria Barbara Schoen daughter of

Catarina Leiner

Anna Maria Rupertus

Elisabeth Krauhs (Krauss)

Margareta Glahs (b. 1782)

I love you. Thank YOU! heart emoticon ~2~ heart emoticon

Me and my Mom

Stay tuned for my next post...  SACRED MARRIAGE.

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Tale of Pretty Light

Once upon a time, a long time ago, a beautiful baby girl was born.  She had hair so blonde and so fine that, from a distance, it looked like she did not have any hair at all.  But, up close, the baby's hair was so golden with delicate, soft, little ringlets that it looked like raindrops upon  a flower's petals. This was the Signature Mark that would allow those around her to know that she had come from The Land of Illumination, where all of the oldest and most magical Fairies live before floating down to Earth's Garden.  And this baby girl was named Linda Eileen, which in the Fairy language means Pretty Light.  Sadly, though those around her recognized that there was something particularly different about Pretty Light, they did not have the eyes to recognize the Signature Mark from The Land of Illumination.  They did not know that Pretty Light was one of the oldest and most wisest of Fairies who had come to bless them with her magic.  They did not know that Pretty Light was, in fact, the Queen of the Fairies.

As it so happened, Pretty Light's Auntie Fannie was very talented at working with Human hair. Auntie Fannie could design beautiful hairstyles, cut hair into fashionable styles, and even turn hair into different pretty colors.  However, Auntie Fannie was not satisfied with these gifts.  She wanted to be able to expand her talents. She wanted to be able to make straight hair curly and to make curly hair straight.

One day, when Pretty Light was toddler-size, her mother, Nana, took Pretty Light over to her Auntie Fannie's house while she went shopping.  As soon as Nana left, Auntie Fannie thought to herself that this would be a good opportunity to practice making hair very curly.  She decided that she would practice on Pretty Light's fine golden hair.  Because Auntie Fannie did not know that Pretty Light was really one of the oldest and most wisest of Fairies, and not just a Human baby girl, she did not know that she was about to bring great harm to Pretty Light, a wound so deep that it would not heal for fifty years.

You see, the hair of a Fairy is not the same as the hair of a Human.  It cannot endure the harsh chemicals that are used to make Human hair very curly.  Anxious to begin, Auntie Fannie applied all of the chemicals to Pretty Light's fine hair, and then rolled it all up in tiny curlers.  Auntie Fannie waited until it was just the right time to take out the curlers.  As Auntie Fannie began to unroll the first curler, she noticed something strange and unexpected.  The hair that had been rolled-up in the curler fell into her hand!  With each curler that Auntie Fannie unrolled, more of Pretty Light's hair was falling out of her head and into her auntie's hand.  By the time Auntie Fannie unrolled the last curler, Pretty Light had no more hair.  Pretty Light was BALD!

Naturally, Nana was horrified and quite furious with Auntie Fannie when she came back to pick up Pretty Light, and saw what had happened to her.  However, the damage was already done.  What could she do about it now, Nana thought to herself?  Neither Nana or Auntie Fannie realized just how much damage had really been done.  They had no idea just how badly Pretty Light had been hurt by this "escapade."

In The Land of Illumination, all of the Fairies have wings.  Their wings are not like the bees' wings. Their wings are not like the dragonflies' wings.  Their wings are not even like the butterflies' wings.   Their wings are like bird wings!  The older and wiser a Fairy is in The Land of Illumination, the larger and stronger their wings are.  Unbeknownst to Nana, Auntie Fannie, or even little Pretty Light - because she was still toddler-size - Pretty Light, as Queen of the Fairies, was supposed to sprout and grow the wings of a Steller's Sea Eagle, with a wingspan of 8 feet, the largest of any living eagle!!  Only now, Pretty Light's eagle wings would not be able to sprout until she became a young mother because Auntie Fannie had burned all of Pretty Light's hair off of her head with the harsh chemicals when she was practicing making hair more curly.

As the weeks went by, blonde hair began to appear again on Pretty Light's head, but this new hair was not the same kind of fine, golden, magical hair she had had before the "escapade."  This hair was only Human hair.  When the Human hair began to grow on Pretty Light, Queen of the Fairies, she was cast into the mist that one sees from time-to-time in the Earth's Garden... except that now, Pretty Light was trapped in the mist.  She neither knew that she had been cast into the mist, nor that she was trapped there.  She certainly did not know that she would have to encounter many heartaches while trapped in the mist, or that she would have to wait fifty years to be freed from it.

The years came and went, and Pretty Light grew from toddler-size to child-size, and eventually, to young girl-size.  Through all of these years, even though Pretty Light could not always see the mist, she knew that it was still there.  She could feel its presence with her where ever she went, what ever she did, whether awake or asleep.  Pretty Light just knew.  Pretty Light felt very isolated in the mist, and so even though she could rarely actually see the mist, she tried and tried to make friends with it, so that she would not feel so alone.  To her constant dismay, this never worked for Pretty Light. Every time she would gather up her courage to once more befriend the mist, she would be left feeling abandoned, betrayed, judged, misunderstood and shamed.  All of these feelings would leave Pretty Light feeling more and more disconnected from the mist and more and more unloved than ever before.  She could not figure out why she was in Earth's Garden.  She could not figure out why it was so painful to be in Earth's Garden.  She thought for sure that there must be something terribly wrong with her.   She could not remember that she was the oldest and wisest of the Fairies from The Land of Illumination.  She had absolutely no idea that she was the Queen of the Fairies!  She could not remember that she had to come to Earth's Garden to share her magic with the Humans.  She could not know that her problem was that she had been separated from her True Self - from her powerful eagle wings - when she had been toddler-size.  She did not even remember the "escapade."

In her heart of hearts, Pretty Light really believed that she could win the mist over as her friend. The years continued to pass by.  With each passing year, more and more difficulties arose between Pretty Light and the mist.  However, something else began to happen too.  When you are the Queen of the Fairies, no matter what happens to you in Earth's Garden, you can never be completely separated from your magic!  Thus, through these same passing years, from time-to-time, some of Pretty Light's magic would trickle into the mist.  When her magic would show up, Pretty Light would have all manner of different mystical experiences.  There was no one in the mist for Pretty Light to share these beautiful experiences with.  She tried to share them with the mist because she really wanted to understand WHY she was having these beautiful experiences, and she really wanted to understand WHAT these beautiful experiences meant. Although the mist had convinced Pretty Light that it was all-knowing, whenever it would provide Pretty Light with an explanation, the explanation did not feel right in her heart, but Pretty Light would accept it anyway.

One day, like a bolt of lightening, Pretty Light's Heart began to give her insight after insight into the different mystical experiences she had had.  Sure enough, all of these insights were very different from what the mist had told her.  Still, she could feel the Truth of the insights because the insights had come from her own Heart, which is where Truth lives.

The years in the mist continued to come and go.  Pretty Light grew from young girl-size to teenage-size to young adult-size.  Through these years, Pretty Light's magic continued to trickle through into the mist.  The best part was that, as the years passed, more and more of Pretty Light's magic was able to trickle through, so her beautiful, mystical experiences were happening more and more often, even though her struggles with the mist had become harder to manage.  By now, the mist had become so thick in an effort to keep Pretty Light's magic from trickling through. The thicker the mist became, the more it became an enemy to Pretty Light.  At every opportunity, the mist would try to hurt Pretty Light by making her feel unwanted and unloved ... excluded ... all alone.

Even so, the mist was unaware that the time was soon coming for Pretty Light to become free from it. And, all the while that the mist made very effort to wound Pretty Light, Pretty Light was becoming stronger and stronger.  Pretty Light had continued to listen to her Heart to learn about all the wonderful things the mystical experiences had to teach her.  By the time Pretty Light had become young adult-size, she had nearly mastered having full trust in her Heart.

The mist was determined to have Pretty Light succumb to all of its lies.  As Pretty Light grew from young adult-size to young mother to experienced mother, the mist grew thicker and thicker, so that it could come up with better and more subtle lies with which to trick and deceive Pretty Light.  The thickness of the mist caused Pretty Light to begin to doubt her Heart.  It also began to impede Pretty Light's magic from being able to trickle through.  The mystical experiences were happening less and less frequently.  Remember though, once you are Queen of the Fairies, you can NEVER be completely separated from your magic, no matter what happens in Earth's Garden!  The mist did not know that its time was almost up.  Now that Pretty Light had become an experienced mother, her magic was so strong that it was able to once more make it into the mist. Pretty Light's magic had become so strong that it did not matter matter how thick the mist became, the magic would be able to make it through.

Suddenly, Pretty Light began to have the mystical experiences again!!  They began to come more and more frequently.  The were becoming more and more extensive because they had so much to teach Pretty Light before her powerful eagle wings would be ready to take flight.  The mist was so thick by now, that neither the mist nor Pretty Light could see that her eagle wings had sprouted when she became a young mother.  Now, as an experienced mother, Pretty Light's eagle wings had grown large and powerful.  They were almost ready to take flight and free her from the mist FOREVER.

There was only one more thing for Pretty Light to do before her eagle wings could free her from the mist.  She had to learn to fully trust her Heart once more.  Pretty Light's magic flowed as quickly as it could into the mist, so that Pretty Light could continue to have more and more mystical experiences. At one point, Pretty Light had gained so much trust in her Heart again that, she began to have mystical experiences AND shamanic experiences!!!  The shamanic experiences were very different from everything Pretty Light had encountered in the mist before. She could sense that the shamanic experiences had lit a fire in her Heart.  The fire felt vaguely familiar and very ancient.  Pretty Light believed that there must be something that she was supposed to do with the fire, but try as she might, she just could not figure it out.

Finally, one Leo New Moon, Pretty Light's Spirit was taken on a journey.  While her Spirit journeyed, her body remained in the mist.  Soon, Pretty Light's Spirit found Herself in a large circular field in the middle of a forest.  Her Spirit was standing in front of a large roaring fire.  She immediately recognized the fire.  It was the fire that had been lit in her Heart.  She was in awe of how large it had become.  In her awe, Pretty Light's Spirit saw an Elder Woman appear in the middle of the roaring fire.  It was Grandmother Moon.  Grandmother Moon spoke to Pretty Light. She told her, "Now, it is your time to take responsibility for Her.  Take good care of Her, and protect Her."  Without another word, Grandmother Moon dissipated into the smoke of the fire. Pretty Light's Spirit journeyed back to Her body that She had left behind in the mist.  As Pretty Light's Spirit journeyed back to Her body, She knew in Her Heart that Grandmother Moon had been talking about the Earth's Garden.  She also knew that, through this journey, she had grown from experienced mother to wise woman.

When Pretty Light's Spirit landed safely in Her body, she opened her eyes.  She still felt the awe of being in front of her Heart's fire and of seeing Grandmother Moon.  Because the mist had become unbearably so thick, Pretty Light felt that the task that had been passed on to her by Grandmother Moon to protect and take care of Earth's Garden was too heavy of a responsibility for her.  Pretty Light doubted whether or not she could meet her new responsibility, and she had no idea how to even start.  Nevertheless, Pretty Light was a wise woman now. Being in the thickness of the mist, she did not know that as a wise woman, all manner of magical events would spontaneously show up to guide her out of the darkness of the mist and into the light.

Another six months passed by.  The magical events had been spontaneously showing up, one right after another, just like each firework in a fireworks show.  The time had arrived in the show for the Grand Finale'!!  This spontaneous magical event was so stupendous that it gave Pretty Light's eagle wings the final thrust of power that they required to free her from the mist.  This spontaneous magical event was the Shamanic Priestess Process™.  To Pretty Light's amazement and delight, her eagle wings spread open for the very first time.  She could not believe that these wings were hers.  They were truly magnificent. With the force of a storm, Pretty Light's eagle wings began to take flight.  As Pretty Light moved through the thickness of the mist towards the light, her head became dizzier and dizzier.  It was quite a ways to go, and she was not quite used to flying yet.

Before she knew it, on a Leo Full Moon, Pretty Light's eagle wings broke her out of the confines of the thick dark mist into the light of the beautiful blue sky!  Pretty Light's eagle wings brought her alight on a soft, fluffy, white cloud.  As Pretty Light looked around her with wide sparkling eyes of disbelief, she noticed that the cloud was in the shape of a ring.  As she blinked her eyes to take in all there was to see, Pretty Light found herself surrounded by her Sister Priestesses. They were all sitting in a circle on the soft, fluffy, white ring cloud, their Hearts open and glowing, welcoming her to the circle.  As she received the Love from her Sisters, Pretty Light remembered that she is the Queen of the Fairies and that she had gone to Earth's Garden to share her magic with the Humans. She was overcome with gratitude for being free from the mist and for remembering her True Self.

Then, the High Priestess came and stood before Pretty Light.  The High Priestess bowed to Pretty Light and said, "Welcome, Priestess Pretty Light.  We have been waiting for You.  We are so delighted You have finally arrived."  All of Priestess Pretty Light's Sister Priestesses stood up and clapped with Joy.  As Priestess Pretty Light basked in the warmth of the Joy she felt coming from the Priestess Circle, She smiled to Herself.  Now, She knew She would be able to take on the responsibility Grandmother Moon had passed to Her, and although She still did not know quite where to start, She did know that She could fully trust Her Heart to guide the way.

This is not the end.  It is only the beginning!

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Family Dance

Excerpt from Mystic Mamma:

Grandmother Moon expands in her fullness in the sign of Leo on February 3rd 2015. This Leo energy coming in is summoning us to step into our own fullness through sharing our hearts with courage while allowing our unique light to be seen. It’s a call to cast away the voices of judgement that limit and suppress, so we can allow the love and truth from our hearts to flow through.

As I choose to cast away the voices of judgement on this day of the Leo Full Moon, I have, finally, figured out my "family's dance,"  thanks to Neptune and Chiron who are currently transiting Pisces. Interesting to note, my Progressed Moon is at 01PI34, within the orb of conjunction with my natal Chiron in the Eight House and opposite my Progressed Ascendant in the Second House of Virgo. Pisces is the sign of the Fish, and as a water sign, the deep dark ocean ~ a place of mystery and the spiritual unknown. What does one find lurking in the depths of the ocean feeding on the fish? SHARKS!  What does one discover lurking in the  depths of the Eighth House? Ahhhh, rituals - rituals like the family dance, and secrets - secrets about interactions and relationships... back to the family dance once more.

So now, I allow the love and truth from my heart to flow through...  I have spent my life believing that my family is like a pod of dolphins (natal Moon in Cancer).  I earnestly believed that, eventually, our little pod's dolphin members would figure out a way to play together and to support each other.

It turns out, I was tricked (natal Moon in 12th House ~ more secrets)!

We are NOT a pod of dolphins.  We are a tank of sharks.  Each shark in the tank is only interested in feeding their own desires; seeking only that which pleases themselves with absolutely no regard to the other sharks' needs or desires.  The classic view of a shark describes a solitary hunter.  "Every shark for himself," so to speak.  Even the taste of  familial blood is not enough to tempt the sharks to discover if there is any commonality that can be shared in relationship with each other, so the sharks are doomed to swimming around each other; not with each other.

Imagine a shark encounter!  Most come out bloody with bits and pieces ripped away, shredded.  What horror of a ghoul emerges from the depths of the water that has been fed on by the sharks for fifty years.

Eva from Ghost Story

There are too many sharks in the tank.

"I'm out!"

I am ready for the final Pluto/Uranus square in March.  I am ready for all aspects of myself to rise from the ashes of this former ghoulish life ~  to be transformed and reborn.  I am ready to create a new dance with LIFE.

©Dragon-Mother Kalika ~ SOL SPEAKS™